Engineering Entry-Level Qualification Quiz
Choose the answer that BEST
FITS the question:
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1. Balanced
Line cables are used to:
A Reject radio
B Reject ground loops
2. Decibels
A One-tenth of a Bel
B Percentages of volume
3. Loudspeakers
can be used as:
A Class-D amplifier integrators
B Microphones
4. Microphones
can be:
A Dynamic
B Static
5. Frequency
is the reciprocal of:
A Pitch
B Events in time
6. The
word "Flat," as used by audio engineers, means:
A Uniform
B Below pitch
7. Human
hearing ranges over:
A Low organ pedal "C" at 30 hertz up
to 4186 hertz - the highest note on the piano
B Three decades of frequencies
8. The
Dynamic Range of the CD is 96 decibels. Human hearing
volume range is:
A 120 decibels
B 99 decibels
9. Sound
Absorbers soak up sound energy by converting it into:
A Musical energy
B Heat energy C
Light energy
10. Sound
waves in air are:
A Longitudinal waves B
Transverse waves C
Standing waves
11. Standing
Waves inside rooms make:
A Reservations
B Cancellations
C Bass notes
12. Cardioid
- ' car - dee - oyd ' (heart-shape) pattern microphones are used
A Listen to hearts
B Pick up quietness
C Hear from preferred directions
13. A
Dipole microphone hears:
A All around
B From opposite directions
C From the back of the microphone
14. Two
equal magnitude monaural sine signals of the same frequency at 120 degrees
mixed together, produce combined output equal to:
A One or the other
B Twice that of one
C Half-power
15. The
Inverse Square Law dictates that:
A Sound from twice as far away is half
as loud B Sound from three
times as far away is half as loud
16. Sound
is more like:
A Radiation
B Slow blowing air C
Water waves
17. Which
Microphone Cable wire property most affects audio tone:
A Inductance
B Capacitance C
18. Frequency
Response refers to:
A Uniformity
B Good sound C
Input/output differences
19. Power
Response refers to:
A Magnitude vs. Angle
B Kilowatt-hour cost
C Amplifier output
20. Mixer
Channels are:
A Preamps
B Tracks C
Summed to outputs
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